Latest Ideas from the Institute:
Examples of Light Green Machine Institute Principles
Exciting News!
Welcome to the new home of LGMI newsletters
Thought for the month...
Need your feedback on our website...
We are putting on an extraordinary effort to fill our project committees
Upcoming Challenges making the Light Green Machine Institute more important than ever
Design Practices vs. Standards
Joining the LGMI
March LGMI
A request from you
Digging deeper, Part IV
Digging Deeper, Part III
Digging Deeper, Part II
Digging deeper
Look for correspondence in the next month
Board Survey renders top projects, need to staff the committees
Active Projects--need your help!
Holes in the ground
What I learned on my summer vacation
Still need your help expect surveys out around the end of April.
Need your help
Light Green Machine Principles for old machines
LGMI Needs You!
If it doesn't exist, you don't have to maintain it.
By-Laws Approved
Harrison's Clocks
What is expendable?
News from your Executive Committee
Superleggera Construction
A long time coming...your new board
Hood Doors
Changing Colors
A Year of Promise
Making Progress
How can we help you?
Moving Forward
LGMI's next tasks
Information Meeting on 9 August 21
New Paradigms
A possible course series in Light Green Machine Principles
Why are you here?
Machine Building Width
What do you really need?
Celebrating a win
New Task Group Interest
Lessons from the Dumbwaiter
Join a Task Group
Minimizing Stairs in the Future
Current Task Groups
A further peak at the vision of the Light Green Machine Institute
The New Light Green Machine Institute
Our new website
Changes coming to the Light Green Machine Institute
Will the Coronavirus affect future Pulp and Paper Mill Designs?
The Optimization Problem, 3-D
Chasing a Rabbit in the midst of the Optimization Problem
The Optimization Problem, 2-D
Other ways to shed weight
The Optimization Problem--Clues to Solution, Part 4
The Optimization Problem--Clues to Solution, Part 3
The Optimization Problem--Clues to Solution, Part 2
The Optimization Problem--Clues to Solution
Our Challenge to the Industry
Award available
Light Green Machine has meaning all around your campus
Carbon fiber press frames and rolls
Another reason to go light...
Lightweight Machine Screen
Expanding the scope
The next big thing
LGMI principles not being followed
LGMI refresher course
Light takes on a new urgency
LGMI principles begin long before you break ground
2018 LGMI Technology Tour
Another angle...
Headed to the field for some research
A Yankee comes to Hillsboro
It is the materials
Touching Bases
Where can we obtain ideas?
Materials Plus
Looking at nothing
A twist on wireless
Steam in tanks
Talking tanks
More on tanks: We need some help!
The effect of high operating margins
Unconventional layouts, Safe Tanks
Unconventional Layouts: Part 4
Unconventional Layouts: Part 3
Unconventional Layouts: Part 2
Unconventional Layouts
Steel dryers: A salute to Voith
Perception is a start...
Metallurgical Whimsy
More on steel dryers
Where are the steel dryers and Yankees?
"Lighten" electronics well received
A response
LGMI Recognition
Rewarding Innovation
Early 3-D Opportunities
Wrapping up a Great Conference
Last Chance
Fred's Suction Press Roll
Back by popular demand
New ways of cooking pulp for Linerboard Production
3D Printing Presentation at the LGMI Conference
Jay Hennessey will present on the Pratt Valparaiso, Indiana Mill
Jim stops to answer some questions
7th Annual LGMI Conference at NCSU in October--abstracts continue
7th Annual LGMI Conference at NCSU in October
Is the speed of sound the ultimate bottleneck?
I found really light weight!
More responses on vacuum and weight
Experience in pressure and more
Experience in a vacuum
Advice in a vacuum
Should we be thinking about weight in terms of production--part 3
Should we be thinking about weight in terms of production--part 2
Should we be thinking about weight in terms of production?
Drones will aid LGMI Objectives
The comments keep coming
Smaller buildings elicit big comments
Make the building smaller
Harper Fourdrinier inspires faithful contributor
Should we look to the old to find new ideas?
Ways to get lighter now
We can do better than this
How do we calculate the impact of motive equipment in LGMI?
Can we just eliminate cast iron, please?
What can we learn from Tesla?
Helping the Light Green Machine Institute Grow
Another case for lightweight components
Seeing Clearly, Part 2
Seeing Clearly
Heavy Philosophy, Continued
Heavy Philosophy
Let's talk about maintenance
Has Epson truly built the Light Green Machine?
The Light Green Machine Institute is growing up
A coming unrealized benefit of Drones
Two Phase Pumps?
Planning for the 7th Annual LGMI Conference
CPVC Piping Making Inroads
Stack 'em up
How far behind is the pulp and paper industry on 3-D printing?
When will we print a dryer frame?
Where to use that $999 3-D printer
It is time to embrace Additive Manufacturing
Ladder Diagrams
Lightweight Concepts in Rebuilds
More on lightweight structures
Taking the atmosphere out of the press section
Why is the wet end still exposed to the atmosphere?
Considering atmospheric conditions once again
6th Annual Conference
Applications 22: Control Systems, continued
Applications 21: Control Systems
Board Visits: A way to lighten your mill
Applications 20: Fasteners
Materials 11: Printing your paper machine
Vertical Machine: Back to the Future
First drone siting
Passionate about steel dryers
Back to the future: Steel dryers
"Exotic" Materials
Steps towards your own Light Green Machine
Applications 19: Controlling and Measuring Quality
Applications 18: Segregation, Part 2
Applications 17: Segregation
Applications 16: Chop Broke?
Applications 15: The Distribution of Electrical and Control Systems
Applications 14: The Magnetic Press
Materials 10: Plastic Ropes
Materials 9: Where else can we use plastics?
Applications in Use 13: Platforms and Ladders
Safety Stand-down
Applications in Use 12: Information is Cheap
Applications in Use 11: Quality and Spares
Applications in Use 10: More on installed spares
Applications in Use 9: Should you remove installed spares?
Applications in Use 8: Learn from the Animals
Materials 8: Hydrophobic Metal
Setting the stage, Part 2
Setting the stage
More on bad practices
A bad practice
A start
Agitation (and Aluminum) continue
Mass security rumbles on
More on mass security
Does mass equal security?
Dynamic Weight
A lot to think about
Already done
A pause for an inspiration
Applications in Use VII: It adds up
Application in Use VI: Why so tall?
Applications in Use V: Installed Spares
The 5th Annual Light Green Machine Institute Conference Details
Applications in Use IV: Planetary Gear Boxes
Applications in Use III: Back to Steel Dryers again...
Applications in Use II: PVC and CPVC Piping
Applications in Use IA: Steel Dryer Cans
Applications in Use I: Steel Dryer Cans
Technology 8: Electrostatic Forming?
Materials 7: Follow the automobile's lead
What is our purpose?
Technology 7: The Forming Section Environment
Materials 6: Paper Hoods
Materials 5: Plastic Headboxes
Conference Questions: Week 3 of 3
Conference Questions: Week 2 of 3
Conference Question: Week 1 of 3
Call for Papers
Maintenance 1: Larger assemblies
Methods 3: Recycling Collection
Materials 4: More Structures
Materials 3: Structures
Technology 6: Just thinking
Technology 5: What should we do about the headbox?
Technology 4: More uses for RPAs
Technology 3: Be still, my wire!
Technology 2: Vertical Paper Machines
Computerization 6: Brain Games
Technology 1: Paper Pills
Computerization 5: Cheap Detection
Computerization 4: Ropes, the last frontier
I don't care
Computerization 3: Amazon Flow
Computerization 2: Google Glass
Materials 2 Hoods
Computerization 1--Not reliable
Materials 1 FRP Pipe
Methods 2
Methods 1
New Frontiers
LGMI's Mission
Low cost 3-D printing in steel
Light Green After the Fact
Google Glass
Khan Academy
Vibration Harvesting
Next Generation Predictive Analytics
Ready for industry?
Navizon and LiFi
Old but new
Visual event capture
KPI's on your wrist
Structure Sensor: Cheap 3-D information capture
Stock Preparation Systems
Effluent Systems
Reels and Winding
Sizing & Coating Kitchens
Recycled Fiber Prep
Continuous Pulping
Batch Pulping
Prep for the 5th LGMI Conference January 2014
Topless Tanks
Side Hill Screens
Concrete vs. Steel
Heat Transfer Fluids
Vacuum Blowers
Grating Mezzanines
Electromagnetic Press Rolls
Cantilevered Dryers
Variable Speed Pump Drives
Faster versus wider
Steel and Aluminum Dryers
Shaking the Wire
Planetary Gearboxes
High Voltage Systems
FRP Tanks
PVC Air Piping
Lightweight aggregate concrete
Felted Dryer Drives with integral motor pulleys
Fabric Roofs
CPVC Dryer Bearing Drains
Foundation Dependent Design Practice
LGMI Plans for 2013
All Energy is Process Energy
Toy helicopters piloted by brainwaves
Getting started on "printing" your own parts -- it's time
You can get these sent directly to your email each week by going joining the Light Green Machine Institute here for free.
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