Week of 9 December 2024: Is DEI dead?
Jim Thompson
Email Jim at jim.thompson@ipulpmedia.com DEI has become so ubiquitous in the last couple of years that it probably needs no definition. But just in case, it stands for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. If it is not dead, to follow the old joke, it is at least on life support. I have always thought that DEI was a quick solution to a complicated set of issues. I agree that Diversity is valuable in situations where a team is trying to sort out the optimum solution to a set of problems where the time frame has a decent runway. I think Diversity is a terrible idea if our assignment is to take the next hill in a battle. In this case, I want to be with a team that is thoroughly trained in one objective and of like minds on how to achieve it. Don't need someone in the pack standing up as we charge the hill saying, "Have you thought about doing it this way?" Equity, as I understand it, is equal outcomes, not equal opportunities. Not much in favor of that--no motivation for the individual. Inclusion--good idea, I want everyone who can pull their weight to help get us to the goal. This does mean no freeloaders, however. But why do I posit that DEI is dead? Because when it comes to investors, they are having a hard time seeing the benefit to the bottom line. Investors are all about the bottom line. Last week we talked about one of the purposes of the Human Resources Department is to protect the employees from the company, keeping all actions within the legal limits of employer actions. Because there are few laws specifically around DEI, I am not aware of many HR departments standing up for the concept. In a vacuum, DEI may be a great concept. In the real world, it is struggling to gain traction. Keep in mind this proven axiom: there is no such thing as group accountability. Accountability is always an individual assignment. DEI's failure may be that it presumes group accountability which is an impossibility when it comes to outcomes. Be safe and we will talk next week. If you would like to dig a little deeper [click here]. ________ Other interesting stories: