Ahlstrom-Munksjö launches a new generation of release materials to optimize RFID inlay lamination

Ahlstrom-Munksjö launches a new generation of release materials to optimize RFID inlay lamination | Ahlstrom-Munksjö, new product,

HELSINKI (News release) -- Ahlstrom-Munksjö launches Optilam™, a new breakthrough antistatic release material helping RFID prelaminated inlays manufacturers making their lamination process easier, more efficient, and improve the final quality of the inlay to better serve the RFID smart card market.

Ahlstrom-Munksjö provides advanced fiber-based solutions with high degree of complexity and technical content that often perform important functions in the value chain or the product solution.

The launch of Optilam™ well demonstrates how a smart and sustainable cellulose-based material provides added value for customers in the electronics industry by contributing to performance of the manufacturing process of the prelaminated inlay dedicated to RFID smart cards.

For inlay makers, quality of release material is essential during lamination in order to secure a trouble-free manufacturing process and deliver a superior inlay quality. The prelaminated inlay contains the precious chip and antenna of a smart card and thus is highly sensitive to the performance of the release material playing a protective role during the lamination.

Based on the unique technical characteristics of genuine vegetable parchment, Optilam™ is a revolutionary release material which offers inlay makers unique antistatic properties that naturally provide superior protection of the chip and make the lay-up easier and safer for the operators. This new cellulose-based composite brings outstanding release properties, high temperature and pressure resistance during the lamination process. Its unique surface structuring abilities improve as well the inlay quality, preventing the risk of delamination. Totally clean with no loose fibers, it avoids any risk of contamination of the inlay.

"Optilam™ is another smart thing we make out of fibers at Ahlstrom-Munksjö. It delivers unique added value while also being renewable and biodegradable. We leverage the unique technical characteristics of our genuine vegetable parchment by expanding into new applications," commented Clothilde Manzano, Marketing Development Manager, Specialties Business area.

Ahlstrom-Munksjö is a global leader in genuine vegetable parchment, serving various demanding end-uses applications including furniture laminates, textile tube covers, cooking and baking materials as well as advanced technical applications. Our production platform of genuine vegetable parchment is located in Europe.


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